Some Background…

Investing is a huge part of my life. I often talk about it with my friends, and I think many of them find value in our conversations. This is an extension of those discussions — a place where I can articulate my ideas more clearly (and reach a few more people in so doing).

With more people comes more responsibility. I have to choose my words more carefully than I would among friends. Most of you lack context from my life, making it difficult to convey important inputs to my investment process, which by many standards is unconventional.

I hope to resolve this issue over time, but as I’m still figuring it out myself, I would like to clarify: this is all just one man’s opinion, mostly on his own book. This is certainly not investment advice — just a point of view.

Why read?

First, thank you. There are a lot of people writing out there, and I’m just one of them. I appreciate your consideration and hope to make it worth your time.

My goal is to provide a unique, valuable point of view. I don’t write to parrot information. I write to offer an opinion. Think of it as a tool to challenge and supplement your own thinking about companies or investing more broadly.

I’ve written about Planet Labs, Spire Global, Crocs, Spotify, Xometry, Upstart, Sonos, and others in the past. I plan to write as long as I invest, and I strive to up the quality of analysis each time.

Ultimately, I’m crafting storylines that I intend to monitor as time goes by. In the process, I hope to earn your trust as a transparent, thoughtful analyst.

Why do I write?

I write to become a better investor. Writing induces clear thinking, and clear thinking translates into better investment outcomes. There’s a reason so many great investors practiced a writing habit.

Publishing my ideas is also an effective way to seek critical real-time feedback and evaluate my judgment with proper methods of accountability. I expect you to critique my work — I’m here to learn.

Keep in mind:

  • I write and publish on an irregular schedule, at least for now.

  • This newsletter is a series of ongoing investigations, not deep dives. Each write-up is far from the full story.

  • I’m 23. I’ve got a lot to learn. This is an exercise geared towards learning.

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Thoughtful analysis on a select group of innovative companies with transparency on my investment process. Plus the occasional stock pick.