Some background

Investing informs how I think about the world beyond just my portfolio. I talk about it with friends and family often, and I think many of them find value in our conversations. This is an extension of those — a place where I can articulate my ideas more clearly and reach a few more people in the process.

This is my opinion — not investment advice — just a point of view.

What to expect

My writing is purposely broad, covering anything from philosophical reflections to fundamental analysis or actionable stock picks. This is a place of learning for me, but I want it to be a source of value to you.

I aim for two things: (1) to share a unique opinion in every post and (2) to be substantive and concise — not overload you with information. I want to add value, not share unnecessary facts.

How it works

I publish a few articles here. Every month or so — no set schedule — I email you with an update on what I’ve written. If one essay interests you, check it out. If not, delete the email. Hopefully I didn’t waste too much of your time.

Ultimately, I write in search of feedback. I’m grateful to those who have reached out already, and I encourage any and all thoughtful disagreements.

It’s worth repeating: this is my opinion — and that’s open to change at any time.

Start here

For those not sure where to start, I can recommend a few articles:

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A continuous pursuit of excellence in investing